a. The Deputy Secretary of Defense signed a 28 Jun 02 memorandum directing the Department of
Defense (DoD) resume the Anthrax Vaccine Immunization Program (AVIP), in accordance with Food and
Drug Administration (FDA) guidelines and consistent with the best practice of medicine, beginning with
personnel at highest risk. The mandatory scope of the AVIP shall encompass all personnel assigned to
or deployed for more than 15 days in higher threat areas (HTAs) defined in paragraph 3.a.(2) whose
performance is essential for certain mission critical capabilities. Near-term AVIP implementation may also
include other personnel determined by the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs, in
consultation with the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, to be at higher risk of exposure to anthrax.
b. The AVIP is a command responsibility as part of force health protection. Commanders are
responsible for program implementation, to include education of their personnel, tracking of the anthrax
immunization series, and compliance with the dosing schedule.
c. The Secretary of the Army remains the Executive Agent of the AVIP, responsible for vaccine
acquisition and stockpiling; to manage and direct the vaccination of identified personnel withjn the
Uniformed Services consistent with DoD policy, the threat, availability of FDA-released anthrax vaccine,
and priorities established by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff; issue operational instructions to the
Services; serve as a focal point for submission of information from the Services; monitor Services’
implementation; recommend appropriate changes in the AVIP to the Assistant Secretary of Defense
(Health Affairs); execute the Army’s implementation plan; and report quarterly on program execution.
d. The Office of The Surgeon General, through their Anthrax Vaccine Immunization Program Agency,
will perform the day-to-day functions assigned to SECARMY for all Executive Agent functions, except
vaccine acquisition and stockpiling, and keep the SECARMY informed through The Vice Chief of Staff,
e. The Program Executive Office for Chemical and Biological Defense (PEOCBD)—formerly the Joint
Program Office for Biological Defense (JPO-BD)—will perform the function of vaccine acquisition and
stockpiling assigned to SECARMY, assuring an adequate supply of anthrax vaccine, and defining
production capabilities on behalf of all Services. PEOCBD will keep the AVIP Agency informed of all
vaccine acquisition, stockpiling, and production issues.
f. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved dosing schedule for this vaccine requires
a series of six vaccinations (at 0, 2 and 4 weeks, then 6, 12, and 18 months after the first immunization)
followed by annual boosters. It is important for personnel to stay on this approved schedule. Personnel
affected by this new policy, who previously began the anthrax vaccine dosing series, but deferred dosing
during AVIP Slowdowns, will resume vaccinations where they left off
. Those individuals will continue as
soon as their units begin vaccination. They will not begin the six-dose series over again at dose one
. This
is consistent with guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Advisory Committee on
Immunization Practices and consultation with the FDA.
g. Immunizations under this policy will be given to the designated at-risk personnel, including
soldiers, Emergency-Essential Department of the Army (DA) civilians and DoD contractors. Vaccination is
mandatory for these personnel, except as provided under applicable administrative (ANNEX B) and
medical (ANNEX C) exemption policies.
h. For force protection purposes, personnel are considered deployable if they have begun the 6-dose
series, regardless of whether or not the series has been completed. However, it is desirable that all
personnel deploying to higher-threat areas receive at least their first three doses prior to deployment to
reduce the logistical burden on the Combatant Commander. Ideally, deployers should start the series no
later than 45 days before deployment. In those rare instances when an individual is not able to take or