CECW-HS Errata Sheet 17 Oct 2018
No. 1
EP 11-1-320
Army Programs
31 October 2017
The use of P2 for the response and recovery missions (Pre-Declaration, all Missions, and
Post Declaration) (e.g. emergency power, regional activation) is not required, as
emergency response operations do not meet the standard project definition.
Page 4-5, Paragraph (3) P2.
Changes are as listed below:
FROM: (3) P2. The use of P2 will be used for management of recovery FEMA mission
assignments (e.g., temporary housing and debris management) to include follow-on Inter
Agency Agreements (IAA). The use of P2 for response missions (Pre-Declaration, all
Missions, and Post Declaration) (e.g., emergency power, regional activation) is not
required, as emergency response operations do not meet the standard project definition.
TO: (3) P2. The use of P2 for response missions (Pre-Declaration, all Missions, and
Post Declaration) (e.g., emergency power, regional activation) is not required, as
emergency response operations do not meet the standard project definition. The use of
P2 may be used for management of recovery FEMA mission assignment (e.g.
temporary housing and debris management) to include follow-on Inter Agency
Agreements (IAA).