U. S. Army Corps of Engineers
Washington, D.C. 20314-1000
*ER 10-1-22
No. 10-1-22 27 November 2018
Organization and Functions
1. Purpose. This regulation defines the mission, organization, and functions of the U.S. Army
Engineering and Support Center, Huntsville.
2. Applicability. This regulation is applicable to all Headquarters, U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers (HQUSACE)/Office of the Chief of Engineers elements, major subordinate commands
(MSC), districts, laboratories and field operating activities.
3. Distribution. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.
4. References.
a.Army Regulations (AR) 350-19, The Army Sustainable Range Program.
b. Engineer Regulations (ER) 10-1-2, Organization and Functions.
c. Unified Facilities Criteria (UFC) 4-510-01, Design: Military Medical Facilities.
5. Establishment. Huntsville Division was established 15 October 1967 by the Office of the
Chief of Engineers General Orders No. 17, dated 9 October 1967. The Huntsville Division was
designated as the U.S. Army Engineering and Support Center, Huntsville (CEHNC) on 22
November 1995 by Permanent Order Number 53-1.
6. Charter. The CEHNC is a Subordinate Command of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
(USACE) with command oversight by the Deputy Commanding General for Military and
International Operations and programmatic oversight from the Director of Military Programs.
The rater and senior rater for the Commander, CEHNC will be according to the USACE OER
Rating Policy published by CEHR-M. CEHNC serves as a national center of expertise and
technology transfer supporting the HQUSACE, other elements of USACE, and other agencies as
assigned. The Huntsville Center operates with programmatic and functional assignments in lieu
of geographical boundaries. The Center is organized to execute programs, projects and tasks
which meet the intent of one or more of the following criteria:
a. Are national or broad in scope.
b. Requires integrated facilities or systems implementation or operation that cross geographic
*This regulation supersedes ER 10-1-22, dated 3 May 2011.