DAEN-RD Office of the Chief of Engineers
Washington, D.C. 20314
No. 70-1-12 24 July 1978
Research and Development
1. Purpose
. This regulation prescribes policies and respon-
sibilities for conducting the In-House Laboratory Independent
Research (ILIR) Program.
2. Applicability
. This regulation applies to Construction
Engineering Research Laboratory, Cold Regions Research and
Engineering Laboratory, Engineer Topographic Laboratories,
and Waterways Experiment Station.
3. References
a. AR 70-1
b. AR 70-31
c. AR 70-55
d. AR 70-9
4. Nature of Program
. The In-House Laboratory Independent
Research (ILIR) Program provides a source of funding to the
Laboratory to be used by qualified scientists and engineeers
to explore new areas of research and development which are in
addition to the regularly assigned program and which are
judged to be important or promising to the mission of the
Laboratory. The program is designed to provide individual
scientists and engineers an additional opportunity to main-
tain and increase their competence by doing original work in
areas suiting their talents and interest. Per-missible tasks
include basic and applied research, testing, component de-
velopment, prototype development, concept studies, or com-
pilations of research done elsewhere; all are appropriate
provided they contribute toward solution of a problem that is
included within the mission assigned to the laboratory.
5. Policy
. The following statements set forth the policy
which will govern the approval of ILIR Projects and the
allocation of funds for their accomplishment.
a. The proposed work should relate to the basic mission of
the laboratory.
b. The work must add to the scientific and engineering
competence of the Laboratory
This regulation supersedes paragraphs 4-6f and 4-6k of
ER 70-3-3, 10 Apr 70