WASHINGTON DC 20310-0200
SAIS-ADD (25-1rrrr)
SUBJECT: Data Platform Guidance
1. References. See Enclosure 1.
2. Purpose. To clarify approved data platforms, allowable low-code/no-code activity
within a data platform and required governance of low-code/no-code activities within
data platforms. This memorandum revises and supersedes reference 1a.
3. Background.
a. Data platforms are a key technology enabler for the Secretary of the Army’s
priority for creating a data centric Army (reference 1b). Data platforms provide an
approved and accredited environment to execute the Decision-Driven Data Concept of
Operations (CONOPS) (reference 1c) Army Data and Analytics Process.
b. On 1 April 2022, the Army Chief Data and Analytics Officer (CDAO) identified five
approved data platforms (reference 1a) for enterprise use with the intent of focusing
Army activities into just a few platforms to increase community cooperation, visibility,
and efficiency by encouraging shared environments, reduce redundancy, and improve
cybersecurity through limiting platform growth.
c. Since April 2022, the Army has approved a Capability Requirements Document
(reference 1d) for a next generation data platform that reinforces the role of shared user
space and enables the Decision-Driven Data CONOPS, as well as begins identifying a
reference architecture that promotes data sharing across programs. Additionally, the
Army has provided guidance on adoption of agile software practices and development,
security, and operations (DevSecOps) software pipelines (reference 1e). Within this
broader software context, data platforms provide an opportunity for low-code/no-code
software development associated with data analytics.
low-code/no-code: software development consisting of rapid assembly of limited, customer-facing [applications |
solutions] which require minimal or no manual computer programing effort.