Assessment in professional
military education
Einike Pilli and Tiia-Triin Truusa
Assessment in professional military education
Einike Pilli and Tiia-Triin Truusa
One of the critical elements of
success in PME and the eective-
ness ofa military organisation
is to use modern training and
assessment methods.
/.../ it is assessment designed squarely to
feed into the learning process and make
the learning stronger.
David N. Perkins
Keeping up with the overall
trends in higher education and
assessment enhances the quality
of PME and by extention, the
military system as a whole.
if war colleges are to achieve their edu-
cational aims, they ought to take further
steps toward emulating higher educa-
tional institutions, not try to shy away
from their practices.
Jennifer Mittelstadt
Assessment in PME directly
aects the development of
learners’ competencies and has
an indirect long-term eect on
the quality culture of the entire
military organization.
Quality is never an accident; it is always
the result of high intention, sincere eort,
intelligent direction and skillful execution;
it represents the wise choice of many
William A. Foster
PME assessment is connected
with a reectivemilitary and
battleeld success.
Experts have always asked, “is military
education a contributing factor to success
in the battleeld and other military activi-
ties?” Though it is not an insurance policy
from failure, military education provides
the tools to adapt to new situations and
device ways of overcoming various chal-
lenges eectively.
Military-Today. com