Updated July 23, 2024
Joint Light Tactical Vehicle (JLTV)
The Joint Light Tactical Vehicle (JLTV) Family of
Vehicles (FoV) is an Army-led, joint-service program
designed to replace a portion of each service’s light tactical
wheeled vehicle fleets. The JLTV FoV consists of two
variants: the four-seat Combat Tactical Vehicle (CTV)
(Figure 1) and the two-seat Combat Support Vehicle (CSV)
(Figure 2). The CTV is to support the General Purpose,
Heavy Gun Carrier and Close Combat Weapon Carrier
missions. The CSV is to support the Utility/Shelter Carrier
mission. The JLTV is transportable by a range of lift assets,
including rotary-wing aircraft. Its maneuverability enables
activities across the spectrum of terrain, including urban
areas, while providing organic and supplemental armor
against direct fire and improvised explosive device threats.
Program Status
In August 2015, the Army awarded Oshkosh Defense a
$6.7 billion low-rate initial production (LRIP) contract to
procure the initial 16,901 vehicles for the Army and
Marines. In June 2019, the Assistant Secretary of the Army
(Acquisitions, Logistics, and Technology) approved Army
JLTV full-rate production (FRP). The Army planned for a
follow-on full-rate production contract awarded to a single
vendor in the fourth quarter of FY2022. It was reportedly to
be a competitive five-year contract with five one-year
options for about 30,000 JLTVs and 10,000 JLTV trailers.
The Army began fielding LRIP JLTVs to units in April
2019, and Marine Corps units received their first LRIP
JLTVs in February 2019.
Low-Rate Initial Production (LRIP) is a programmatic
decision made when manufacturing development is completed
and there is an ability to produce a small-quantity set of
articles. It also establishes an initial production base and sets
the stage for a gradual increase in production rate to allow for
Full-Rate Production (FRP) upon completion of Operational
Test and Evaluation (OT&E).
Full-Rate Production (FRP) is a decision made that allows
for government contracting for economic production
quantities following stabilization of the system design and
validation of the production process.
JLTV Combat Tactical Vehicle (CTV)
Figure 1. JLTV Combat Tactical Vehicle Variant
tactical-vehicle/, accessed December 30, 2020.
JLTV Combat Support Vehicle (CSV)
Figure 2. JLTV Combat Support Vehicle Variant
tactical-vehicle/, accessed December 30, 2020.