Evaluation of
LosAngeles County’s
2024 Take Action for
Mental Health Social
Marketing Campaign
bout one in five U.S. adults
lives with a mental health
challenge, and the rate is
more than one in three
among young adults 18–25 years old
(Substance Abuse and Mental Health
Services Administration [SAMHSA],
2023). Mental health issues are also a
growing problem among teens (Cen-
ters for Disease Control and Preven-
tion [CDC], 2024). Along with this,
there is a gap in treatment, such that
large percentages of those who need
treatment fail to get it (SAMHSA,
2023). This has been attributed to
mental health stigma (Arnaez et al.,
2020) and a shortage of mental
health treatment providers and ser-
vices (McBain, Cantor, Eberhart,
et al., 2022; McBain, Cantor, Kofner,
et al., 2022). Some evidence suggests
that social marketing campaigns
Evaluation Report
■ The Take Action for Mental Health campaign reached one in four
Los Angeles County adults and more than one in three youth.
■ Among youth, the campaign was likely to reach those experienc-
ing recent psychological distress; 62 percent of youth with serious
distress in the past month reported exposure to the campaign.
■ Among adults, the campaign reach was greater among those with
lower levels of education and income.
■ Perceptions of the campaign events were overwhelmingly positive.
■ The campaign appeared to have an impact on targeted outcomes.
■ Residents exposed to the campaign were more likely to report that
they knew about mental health resources provided by Los Angeles
County mental health officials and those available in their cities.
■ Adults exposed to the campaign felt significantly more connected
to their communities than unexposed peers. This was not true of
county youth exposed to Take Action for Mental Health.
■ Adults exposed to the campaign also reported greater mobilization
around mental health. This was not true of county youth who were
exposed to the campaign.