Department of Defense
NUMBER 1015.5
October 11, 1983
Incorporating Through Change 2, July 24, 1991
SUBJECT: DoD Student Meal Program
References: (a) Public Law 95-561, Section 1408, "Defense Dependents Education Act
of 1978," November 1, 1978 (42 U.S.C. 1769b, 1773, and 1789)
(b) Title 42, United States Code, Section 1751 et
seq., "National School
Lunch Act," as amended (as implemented by 7 CFR 210 and 250)
(c) Title 42, United States Code, Section 1771 et
seq., "Child Nutrition Act
of 1966," as amended (as implemented by 7 CFR 220)
(d) Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (Program Management)
Memorandum, "Dependent Student Meal Programs," February 20, 1980
(hereby canceled)
(e) Deputy Secretary of Defense Memorandum, "Dependent Student Meal
Program," July 8, 1980 (hereby canceled)
(f) through (o), see enclosure 1
This Directive implements reference (a), which extends the provisions of references (b)
and (c) to students attending DoD dependents schools; provides policy, assigns
responsibilities, and prescribes procedures for the DoD Student Meal Program; and
cancels references (d) and (e).
2.1. This Directive applies to the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD)
(including activities assigned to the OSD for administrative support), the Military
Departments, the Organization of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Unified and Specified
Commands, and the Defense Agencies.
2.2. Its provisions encompass all students attending DoD dependents schools in
overseas areas.