Department of Defense
NUMBER 1200.16
March 20, 2004
SUBJECT: Contracted Civilian-Acquired Training (CCAT) for Reserve Components
References: (a) DoD Directive 1200.16, "Contracted Civilian-Acquired Training
(CCAT) for Reserve Components," May 30, 1990 (hereby canceled)
(b) Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), current edition
(c) Defense FAR Supplement (DFARS), current edition
(d) DoD Directive 4100.15, "Commercial Activities Program," March 10,
This Directive:
1.1. Reissues reference (a).
1.2. Establishes policy, assigns responsibilities, and prescribes procedures and
guidance under references (b) through (d) for Contracted Civilian-Acquired Training
(CCAT) for Reserve components of the Armed Forces. This policy is intended to assist
all Reserve components, and by agreement with the Department of Homeland Security,
the Coast Guard Reserve, in developing, conducting, evaluating, contracting, funding,
reporting, and selecting training by contracting with sources outside the Department of
1.3. Does not preclude the practice of obtaining approved military occupation
training for individual Reserve component personnel from civilian institutions either at
direct expense of the Service member or with Government-assisted tuition. (The purpose
of CCAT is to increase the number of mission-qualified individuals in the Reserve
components, thereby improving overall readiness. When appropriately justified, CCAT
is an alternative to formal military school training and must be directly related to specific
individual mobilization skill requirements or billet assignment.)