Department of Defense
NUMBER 5105.83
January 5, 2011
Incorporating Change 1, September 30, 2014
SUBJECT: National Guard Joint Force Headquarters – State (NG JFHQs-State)
References: See Enclosure 1
1. PURPOSE. This Directive, in accordance with section 113 of title 10, United States Code
(U.S.C.) (Reference (a)) and sections 104, 105, 109, 110, 325(a)(2), and 502(f) of title 32, U.S.C.
(Reference (b)):
a. Establishes policy for and defines the organization and management, responsibilities and
functions, relationships, and authorities of the NG JFHQs-State.
b. Establishes 54 NG JFHQs-State. (See Glossary for definition of “State.”)
c. Describes the joint, interagency, and intergovernmental functions, responsibilities,
authorities, and relationships among the NG JFHQs-State, the DoD Components, State and
Federal civil authorities, and international programs.
d. Establishes the Federal mission of the NG JFHQs-State.
2. APPLICABILITY. This Directive applies to:
a. OSD, the Military Departments, the Office of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
(CJCS) and the Joint Staff, the Combatant Commands, the Office of the Inspector General of the
Department of Defense, the Defense Agencies, the DoD Field Activities, and all other
organizational entities within the Department of Defense (referred to collectively as the “DoD
b. The Adjutants General of the States, except that:
(1) Nothing in this Directive shall be construed as a limitation on the authority of the
Governor of a State to employ any unit of the NG of that State, when such unit is not on active