Department of Defense
NUMBER 8260.05
July 7, 2011
SUBJECT: Support for Strategic Analysis (SSA)
References: (a) DoD Directive 5100.01, “Functions of the Department of Defense and Its
Major Components,” December 21, 2010
(b) DoD Directive 5105.21, “Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA),”
March 18, 2008
(c) DoD Directive 5111.1, “Under Secretary of Defense for Policy (USD(P)),”
December 8, 1999
(d) DoD Directive 5141.01, “Director, Program Analysis and Evaluation
(PA&E),” March 16, 2006
(e) DoD Instruction 8260.01, “Support for Strategic Analysis,” January 11, 2007
(hereby cancelled)
(f) DoD 8910.1-M, “Department of Defense Procedures for Management of
Information Requirements,” June 30, 1998
. This Directive:
a. Establishes policy and assigns responsibilities to provide SSA activities in accordance
with References (a) through (d).
b. Supersedes and cancels Reference (e).
. This Directive applies to OSD, the Military Departments, the Office of
the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Joint Staff, the Combatant Commands, the
Office of the Inspector General of the Department of Defense, the Defense Agencies, the DoD
Field Activities, and all other organizational entities within the DoD (hereinafter referred to
collectively as the “DoD Components”).
3. DEFINITIONS. See Glossary.
. It is DoD policy that: