Modeling and Simulation Coordination Office (M&S CO) High Level Task (HLT) S-C-2
Live-Virtual-Constructive Architecture Roadmap Implementation (LVCAR-I)
FY09-Funded Key Accomplishments and Deliverables
This document presents the key accomplishments and deliverables produced with Fiscal Year 2009
(FY09) funding under the Live-Virtual-Constructive Architecture Roadmap Implementation (LVCAR-I)
tasking by the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (JHU/APL) for the Joint Training
Integration and Evaluation Center (JTIEC). Each of the three sections, Common Capabilities, Gateways
and Bridges, and Convergence has four components:
1. Objective and Major Subtasks
2. Key FY09 Funded Accomplishments
3. FY09 Funded Deliverables
4. Consolidated Executive Summaries
While this synopsis is no substitute for examining the actual referenced documents the user can get an
overview of the topics covered and then quickly identify the product that is of most interest. All
documents are available to DoD personnel through the internet at the Modeling and Simulation
Coordination Office resource repository (http://www.msco.mil/).
In the course of fulfilling the project’s goals we periodically ask for and benefit from input by member
organizations of the DoD M&S Community. When requested your assistance in helping us meet our
objectives will be greatly appreciated.
Common Capabilities
Objective and Major Subtasks
Objective: Develop a set of products that facilitate cross-architecture communication and collaboration,
and reduce divergence and duplication among LVC user communities
Major Subtasks:
Common Systems Engineering Process
– Develop a common systems engineering process model for mixed-architecture LVC simulation
environment development and execution
Common Federation Agreements Template
– Develop an architecture-independent template for establishing federation agreements that can be
supplemented by potential architecture-specific extensions
Reusable Development Tools & Common Data Storage Formats
– Examine the various options associated with efficient, effective sharing of tool resources for LVC
applications, and recommend the most beneficial approach or approaches, including benefits and
Asset Reuse Mechanisms
– Examine existing infrastructure capabilities for M&S reuse, compare these capabilities to the
required mechanisms for sharing and reuse described in the LVC Architecture Roadmap, and