Observation Worksheet
(For use of this form, see TRADOC Pam 350-70-4; the proponent is DCSOPS&T)
GO - At least 75% of the evaluated items (Part II, Items 3-19) were rated "GO".
NO GO - Less than 75% of the evlauated items were rated "GO". Command emphasis needed.
PART I - Administrative Data
1. School:
2. Course/POI:
HQ TRADOC Form 350-70-4-1-R-E (Jul 03) Page 1 of 6
3. Date: 4. Name of Evaluator:
PART II - Course Design/Implementation Plan
2. Lesson Plan (LP)/Training Support Package (TSP)
8. POI Method of Instruction matches LP Method of Instruction? YES NO
9. Foreign disclosure statement listed? NO
11. CMP date: 12. Critical Task List date:
13. TLO/ELOs written IAW TR YES NO 13a. If "NO", mandatory recommendation for rewrite:
14. TLO/ELOs match POI? YES NO
14a. If "NO", mandatory comments/recommendations:
15. Is doctrine current? YES NO 15a. If "NO", mandatory comments/recommendations:
16. Does doctrine reflect COE? YES NO 16a. If "NO", mandatory comments/recommendations:
17. LP task on Critical Task List? YES NO
17a. If "NO", mandatory comments/recommendations:
18. LP task in LOI? YES NO
18a. If "NO", mandatory comments/recommendations:
19. LP time/MOI on TMA sheet? YES NO
19a. If "NO", mandatory comments/recommendations:
5. LP/TSP risk assessed? YES NO 6. LP environmentally assessed? YES NO
7. POI time matches LP time? YES NO
3. LP/TSP approved IAW local policy? YES
NO 4. Date LP/TSP approved:
10. POI date:
SECTION I - Training Development
1. POI File No:
PART III - Section I Performance Rating