Department of the Army *TRADOC Regulation 600-11
Headquarters, United States Army
Training and Doctrine Command
Fort Monroe, Virginia 23651-1047
16 May 2008
Lieutenant General, U.S. Army
Deputy Commanding General/
Chief of Staff
History. This publication is a rapid action revision. The portions affected by this administrative
revision are listed in the summary of change.
Summary. This regulation presents the U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command
(TRADOC) Equal Opportunity Action Plan (EOAP). It sets forth the goals, responsibilities, and
policies that support the Department of the Army (DA) Equal Opportunity Program. The
TRADOC EOAP is a management document; it fulfills a specific DA requirement that Army
commands develop and publish a comprehensive EOAP for Soldiers. An EOAP is required for
all Army organizations, commands, and agencies, to include brigade (or equivalent) level.
Applicability. This regulation applies to all TRADOC commands, agencies, and activities.
Proponent and exception authority. The proponent of this regulation is the Deputy Chief of
Staff (DCS), G-1/4. The proponent has the authority to approve exceptions or waivers to this
supplement that are consistent with controlling law and regulations. The proponent may delegate
this approval authority in writing, to a division chief with the proponent agency or its direct
reporting unit or field operating agency, in the grade of colonel or the civilian equivalent.
Activities may request a waiver to this regulation by providing justification that includes a full
analysis of the expected benefits and must include formal review by the activity’s senior legal
officer. All waiver requests will be endorsed by the commander or senior leader of the
requesting activity and forwarded through higher headquarters to the policy proponent.
*This regulation supersedes TRADOC Reg 600-11, dated 8 April 2005, and TRADOC Form 600-11-1-R-E, dated
Feb 2005.