Academic Year 2018-2019
Purpose of MQS: To establish the learning objectives (LO) for Pro-Quizzes, Pro-Exams,
Professional Competency Boards (PCB), and Professional Competency Assessments (PCA).
Signature Authorities: These are identified for each LO and are either a SME (Subject Matter
Expert) or a midshipman within the chain of command (CoC). By signing off an LO, the
signature authority is affirming that the midshipman receiving the signature has demonstrated the
requisite knowledge. The signature authority shall fill out all required information (printed
name, alpha, signature, and date) or, if a SME desires, they may print/sign/date a roster that shall
be included in each midshipman’s MQS. Each midshipman is responsible for achieving
applicable LOs prior to a quiz/exam/board/assessment.
Chain of Command (CoC)
o The necessity of CoC involvement is critical to the success of MQS. Mentorship
requires the intentional personal engagement of all personnel involved to ensure
the appropriate level of knowledge, comprehension, application, and discussion of
material is met.
o 4/C midshipmen shall receive signatures from 3/2/1/C midshipmen in their CoC.
o 3/C midshipmen shall receive signatures from 2/1/C midshipmen in their CoC.
o 2/C midshipmen shall receive signatures from 1/C midshipmen in their CoC.
Subject Matter Experts (SME)
o Based on their billet and/or experience, only certain individuals are equipped to
provide signatures for specific learning objectives.
o Some are in the Brigade (i.e., Company Financial Officer), whereas others are a
part of the Naval Academy staff (i.e., Senior Enlisted Leader).
o SMEs are signature authorities for any item in their respective area.
o A current list of warfare community/service SMEs is provided in the back of this
_______________________ ________ ________________________ ___________
Print Your Name Alpha Signature Date
Confirm you have read and understand the proper guidelines on obtaining signatures.
Definition of Terms:
Know: Recall facts, bring to mind, and recognize the appropriate material.
Comprehend: Interpret principles and concepts and relate them to new situations.
Apply: Utilize knowledge and comprehension of specific facts in new relationships with other
facts, theories, and principles.
Demonstrate: Show evidence of ability to perform a task.
Read: Look at and comprehend the meaning of printed material.
Discuss: Consciously identify content and their fleet applications, weigh logical and persuasive
effects, critically evaluate unstated assumptions and biases, and talk about them with another