Second Meeting
14 November: The National Gallery
15 November: The Royal Society
London, United Kingdom
14 November – The National Gallery
9:00 AM Registration
9:20 AM Welcome and Introductions - John Skehel (Royal Society, UK) and commission co-chairs Rick
Lifton (The Rockefeller University, USA) and Kay Davies (University of Oxford, UK)
9:30 AM Session 1: Perspectives on the Commission’s task
(Organised in collaboration with the InterAcademy Partnership)
Speakers will provide perspectives on human germline genome editing, and discuss issues raised
by the Commission’s call for evidence and the work of the Commission
Rick Lifton (The Rockefeller University, USA)
Sonia Abdelhak (Institut Pasteur de Tunis, Tunisia)
Fabiana Arzuaga (Ministry of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation,
Muntaser Ibrahim (University of Khartoum, Sudan)
Jackie Leach Scully (University of New South Wales, Australia; Newcastle University,
Adam Pearson (Actor, presenter and campaigner, UK)
11:00 AM Break
11:15 AM Session 2: Alternative Reproductive Technologies
Speakers will discuss alternatives to germline genome editing, including in vitro fertilisation with
preimplantation genetic diagnosis. Topics will include: how applicable these technologies are to
certain inheritable diseases, their success rates, if and how they could be improved, how
accessible they are internationally, how accepted they are by different cultures, and other issues
Julie Steffann (Hôpital Necker – Enfants Malades)