Joint Special Operations University
7701 Tampa Point Boulevard
MacDill AFB FL 33621
2016 Special Operations Essays
JSOU Report 16-4
Each year, the Joint Special Operations University (JSOU) partners
with the Special Operations and Low Intensity Conict Chapter of
the National Defense Industrial Association in sponsoring an annual
essay contest. This year’s rst place winner is U.S. Air Force Major
Jared Harris, with “Daydreams of an Operational Planner: Reimagin-
ing the Counterterrorism Task Force.” In second place is U.S. Army
Major Tim Ball, with “Bringing the Alliance Back to SOF: The Role
of NATO Special Operations Headquarters in Countering Russian
Hybrid Warfare.” This collection also includes four high-quality, origi-
nal works from other professional military education (PME) students.
These essays provide current insights on what our PME students see
as priority national security issues aecting special operations, and
add value to the individuals’ professional development, provide an
outlet for expressing new ideas and points of view, and contribute
to the special operations community as a whole. JSOU is pleased
to oer this selection of the top essays from the 2016 contest.
JSOU Report 16-4
2016 Special Operations Essays
ISBN 978-1-941715-10-9