Joint Special Operations University
7701 Tampa Point Boulevard
MacDill AFB, FL 33621
As cyber vulnerabilities proliferate with the expansion of connected
devices, wherein security is often forsaken for ease of use, Special
Operations Forces (SOF) cannot escape the obvious, massive risk that
they are assuming by incorporating emerging technologies into their
toolkits. This is especially true in the maritime sector where SOF oper-
ates nearshore in littoral zones. As SOF—in support to the U.S. Navy—
increasingly operate in these contested maritime environments, they
will gradually encounter more hostile actors looking to exploit digital
vulnerabilities. As such, this monograph comes at a perfect time as the
world becomes more interconnected but also more vulnerable.
ISBN 978-1-941715-55-0
JSOU Report 21-4 Cross Domain IW Threats to SOF Maritime Missions Kessler/Zorri
Iran’s Revolutionary Guard inspect the British-agged oil tanker Stena Impero, which
was seized in the Strait of Hormuz by the Guard, in the Iranian port of Bandar Abbas.
Tensions in the Persian Gulf escalated aer Iran’s seizure of the British oil tanker in
July . Photo by SalamPix/Abaca/Sipa USA/Newscom.
Cross Domain IW Threats to
SOF Maritime Missions:
Implications for U.S. SOF
Gary C. Kessler and Diane M. Zorri
JSOU Report 21-4