Joint Special Operations University
7701 Tampa Point Boulevard
MacDill AFB FL 33621
In this monograph, Major Riley Post and Dr. Jerey Peterson oer
a compelling look into economic activities and inuence in the
context of unconventional warfare (UW). The value of this mono-
graph lies in the creation of a framework that provides a struc-
tured approach for UW practitioners to employ as they assess and
analyze economic factors that inuence and support insurgency
movements. This framework oers a way to simplify the varied and
complex economic activities required to support equally complex
resistance operations. This monograph provides examples of tacti-
cal, economic opportunities that support operational and strategic
objectives. As a vignette, the authors evaluate the rise and poten-
tial vulnerabilities of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant. This
monograph concludes with recommendations to enhance training
for Special Operations Forces leaders and operators in the applica-
tion of economic factors in UW.
ISBN 978-1-941715-11-6
Unconventional Economics:
Operational Economics
in Unconventional Warfare
Major Riley Post and Jerey D. Peterson, Ph.D.
JSOU Report 16-5
JSOU Report 16-5 Unconventional Economics Post and Peterson