Joint Special Operations University
7701 Tampa Point Boulevard
MacDill AFB, FL 33621
Complexity, Organizational Blinders, and the SOCOM Design Way
(SDW) takes on the monumental task of explaining why the com-
plex world is so dicult to comprehend and provides a way for
navigating through it. The authors accomplish this utilizing U.S.
Special Operations Command design techniques. This mono-
graph is not just for the Special Operator or the Operational Plan-
ner. It is useful for anyone who is seeking out a better way to
address problems that seem to have no solution. Dr. David Ellis
and Mr. Charles Black provide the tools necessary to dene the
problem and develop an approach. The SDW needs to be seri-
ously considered and put into practice if the community desires
to make progress in complex and wicked problems.
ISBN 978-1-941715-34-5
Complexity, Organizational Blinders,
and the SOCOM Design Way
David C. Ellis and Charles N. Black
JSOU Report 18-3
JSOU Report 18-3 Complexity, Organizational Blinders, and the SOCOM Design Way Ellis and Black
is beautiful fractal explaining the sea is an educational interpreta-
tion of a “Mandelbrot set.” PHOTO BY DASARTS/SHUTTERSTOCK