Joint Special Operations University
7701 Tampa Point Boulevard
MacDill AFB, FL 33621
This monograph is the third of three volumes that follow from an
August 2016 JSOU symposium, Theory of Special Operations. This
compendium of articles is not a comprehensive or exhaustive treat-
ment of special operations theory. Rather, it is intended to continue the
conversation and, at least, bring to a culminating point the argument
over whether a theory of special operations is necessary and if the
suggestions are suitable, feasible, and acceptable. The editors of this
compendium, JSOU resident senior fellows, highlight opposing views
and conclude with an academic, joint special operations perspective
on the status of the theory argument. No matter where you stand on
the subject, this is worth your time and consideration.
ISBN 978-1-941715-25-3
Special Operations Theory
Edited by Peter McCabe and Paul Lieber
Foreword by Professor Colin S. Gray
JSOU Report 17-6
JSOU Report 17-6 Special Operations Theory
Volume Three of a Three-Part Theory Series