United States Special Operations Command
7701 Tampa Point Boulevard
MacDill AFB, FL 33621-5323
https://jsou.libguides.com/jsoupublic ations
In this edited volume, the authors pose solutions to Special Operations Forces’ (SOF)
future challenges. Looking to the national defense strategy, this volume describes
the role of competition in the future and the three ways SOF can compete, deter,
and win. SOF must maintain their edge, and their transformation needs to be
addressed at the individual, organizational, and institutional levels. This volume
takes risk into consideration while addressing SOF transformation in three key
areas: SOF roles and missions, culture, and great power competition. Both U.S. and
Canadian SOF perspectives are outlined in this volume, and each chapter urges
readers to consider how SOF might better compete short of armed conict.
ISBN 978-1-941715-62-8
JSOU Report 22-2 Special Operations Forces Transformation in the Future Operating Environment
Special Operations Forces
Transformation in the Future
Operating Environment
Edited by Dr. Peter McCabe
JSOU Report 22-2