Joint Special Operations University
7701 Tampa Point Boulevard
MacDill AFB, FL 33621
The intent of this monograph is to reveal to Special Operations Forces
(SOF) leaders and planners the variety of considerations facing deci-
sion makers, the approaches used in strategic- and operational-level
decision making, and how they can better inform and inuence that
process with regard to special warfare. This monograph is a com-
panion volume to two earlier works: Support to Resistance: Strategic
Purpose and Eectiveness, and How Civil Resistance Works (And Why It
Matters To SOF). This third volume describes some of the factors that
decision makers have faced when considering support to resistance
(STR) as a foreign policy option. This monograph should shed some
light on how national security ocials in the past have arrived at
certain conclusions or why, in some cases, presidents have directed
actions that were especially risky or controversial.
ISBN 978-1-941715-46-8
JSOU Report 20-1 Decision-Making Considerations in Support to Resistance Irwin
National Security Council on Sept , the day following the - Terrorist
Attacks. L-R: Secretary of State Colin Powell, President George W. Bush, Vice
President Dick Cheney, General Henry J. Shelton, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of
Sta. Photo by Newscom.
Decision-Making Considerations
in Support to Resistance
Will Irwin
Foreword by Lieutenant General Kenneth E. Tovo
JSOU Report 20-1