Joint Special Operations University
7701 Tampa Point Boulevard
MacDill AFB, FL 33621
This monograph is the rst in a planned series of three volumes
that will provide Special Operations Forces (SOF) with an in-depth
study of resistance movements. Mr. Will Irwin provides a wealth of
case studies focused on the United States Government’s support
to resistance movements. For each of his case studies the author
summarizes in a clear, concise manner the duration of U.S. support,
the political environments or conditions, the type of operation, the
purpose or objective of U.S. support, and the ultimate outcome:
success, partial success, failure, or an inconclusive outcome. Unfold-
ing world events are indicative of the need for SOF to maintain
and enhance traditional unconventional warfare (UW) skills, but
those skills must be assessed in the context of modern resistance
movement dynamics. This work will serve as a benchmark reference
on resistance movements for the benet of the special operations
community and its civilian leadership.
ISBN 978-1-941715-37-6
Support to Resistance:
Strategic Purpose and Eectiveness
Will Irwin
Foreword by Lieutenant General John F. Mulholland, Jr.
JSOU Report 19-2
JSOU Report 19-2 Support to Resistance: Strategic Purpose and Effectiveness Irwin
Serbian Otpor symbol of the movement which ousted Milosevic in Serbia and
subsequently became a model for all student revolutionary movements worldwide.
CREDIT: By Le serbe - Own work, CC BY-SA ., https://commons.wikimedia.