Amendment 1
May 25,2001
The General Services Administration has authorized the use of this amendment, which
forms a part of FF-L-2740A, dated January 12, 1997.
Page 6
Add the following paragraph
3.10 Assemblv drawirw and Parts list. A parts list of all lock parts which maybe subject
to subsequent replacement because of wear or damage shall be furnished with each
lock delivered under contract. The parts list shall clearly identify the parts by
description, location and part number. When necessary, assembly drawings shall be
provided to show the location of the parts. The parts list shall be printed on heavy
paper or other suitable material.
Page 12
Delete paragraph 6.3.1 and substitute the following
6.3.1 Covert entry. For the purpose of this specification, covert entry is defined as a
method of entry which causes physical damage to the container or lock such that the
damage can be repaired to the point where it would not be detectable by a user during
normal use. However, the damage would be detectable during inspection by a qualified
person. If replacement parts, including replacement lock parts, or paint, are necessary
to conceal the damage caused by the entry attempt so it cannot be detected during
normal use, the entry method shall be considered covert.
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