April 27, 1967
Fed. Spec. LLL-L-354b
April 18, 1962
Thisspecificationwas approved by the Commissioner, Federal Supply Service, General Services Administration, for the
w. of all Federal agencies.
1.1 Scope. This
specificationcoversdesk and table top linoleum.
1,2 Classification. The linoleum shall beef the following types as specified (see 6.2):
Type 1 —Woven.cotton backed.
Type II—Felt backed.
2.1 Specification and standards. TIM
date of invitation for bids, or request
specified herein.
following specifications a“d standards, of the issue i“ effect
pIOPOSaI,form a part of this specification to the extent
Federal Specifications:
PPP–E%3&Box, Fiberboard,
Federal Standards:
Fed. Std. No. 123—Marking for Domestic Shipment (Civilian Agencies).
Fed, Test Method Std. No. 501—Floor Coverings, Resilient, Nonte.xtile Sampling and Testing.
outsidetheFederalGovernmentmay obtaincopiesof Federal Specifications, Standards,and Hmdbcmks
aso.tlined.“derGenerallnfonnati.nin the Index ofFederal Sp..ifica[ ions and Standards and at the price. indicated in
the lnd.x. llm Index, which includes cumulative monthly supplements as issued. is forsal. on . s.ascription basis by the
Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, W.sbi.@on, D.C. 20402.
(Sjngle copies .1 this specification and other product specifications rewired hy activities .ut.id..~e Fed+ G...,. -
‘me.t for b!ddlng, purposes are available without charge at the Ctmeral Services Adtninistr.tion Regional Office. m Boston,
New York. Washmgto”, D.C., Atlanta, Chicago, Kamas City, MO., Dallas, Denver, S.” Francisco, Ias Angeles, a“d Se-
attle, Wash.
(Federal Gowsrmnem activities may obtain copies of Fed...] Specifications, Standards, .nd Handh.oksa.d the Index
of Federal Specifications and Standards from ewahliahed dktribution points i. their agencies. )
Military Standards:
MIIATD–lO~SamPling Procedures and Tables for Inspection by Attributes.
MIfATB12%Marki”g for Shipmem and Storage,
ofMilitarySpecificationsand Standards req"ir.d bycontrsctora i"conn..tion with speci6c procuremcntf.nc-
,tions should be obtained from theproc.ring activity or as. directed hy the ccmtractingc&er:), ,: ~~ 7 : ,. ,,w:::
2.2 Other publications. The following publication form a part of this specification to the extent
specified herein. Unless otherwise indicated, tbe issue in effect on date of invitation for bids shall apply.
America” Trucking Associations, Inc:
National LMotorFreight Classification Rules.
{A~plicaticm for copies’ sbo”ld be.addressed to the .~merica” Tmcki”g Associations. Inc., 1616 P
St., SW., Washington, D.C.120336.)
FSC 7220
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