Title: Maintenance Manual Changes
Number: DI-TMSS-81666 Approval Date: 20060814
AMSC Number: 7577 Limitation: N/A
DTIC Applicable: No GIDEP Applicable: No
Office of Primary Responsibility: NS/I5222
Applicable Forms: N/A
Maintenance Manual Changes to existing Government manuals, provide detailed changes
pertaining to a specific component, equipment, or system affected by any Government
approved addition, deletion, or change.
This Data Item Description (DID) contains the format and content preparation
instructions for the data product generated by the specific and discrete task requirement
as delineated in the contract, DS-56, Data Standard for the Preparation of COMSEC
Technical Manuals and DS-62, Data Standard for the Preparation of Computer-
Compatible Publication Text. Are the entire contents of DS-56 and DS-62 applicable or
specific paragraphs/sections/chapters, etc? Per MIL-STD 963B, 4.8.1c, the specific
applicable areas of the referenced document must be identified.
This DID is applicable to manuals prepared specifically for the Government.
1. Reference Documents: The applicable issue of the documents cited herein, including
their approval date and dates of any applicable amendments, notices, and revisions,
shall be as stated herein. DS-56, Data Standard for the Preparation of COMSEC
Technical Manuals and DS-62, Data Standard for the Preparation of Computer-
Compatible Publication Text are available at the National Security Agency, 9800
Savage Rd, Fort Meade, Md 20755-6000; Attn: I5222. (Per MIL-STD 963B; para
5.3.11, if non-DODISS documents are referenced, (i.e.; DS-56,) include the
applicable issue of the documents, including approval dates and dates of any
applicable amendments, notices, and revisions and address where the documents can
be obtained).
2. Format: Changes to the Maintenance Manual Changes shall be in accordance with
para 5 of DS-56.
3. Content: Where text/tabular material for the manual resides in a Government
computer database, it shall be submitted in accordance with DS-62.
4. END OF DI-TMSS-81666
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