Number: DI-TMSS-81682 Approval Date: 20060814
AMSC Number: 7593 Limitation: N/A
DTIC Applicable: No GIDEP Applicable: No
Office of Primary Responsibility: NS/DA023
Applicable Forms: N/A
1. The Job Manual presents detailed operation and maintenance information primarily
intended for the maintenance technician. The manual contains all skill tasks for the
equipment, including operating, corrective and preventive maintenance.
2. This data item description (DID) contains the format and content preparation
instructions for that data generated under the work task described by paragraph of
3. The Job Manual can be used alone or in conjunction with the other manuals developed
by a contractor using DI-TMSS-81675, Equipment Technical Manual, DI-TMSS-81676,
Subsystem Technical Manual, or DI-TMSS-81677, System Technical Manual.
1. Reference document. The applicable issue of the document cited herein, including its
approval data and dates of any applicable amendments and revisions, shall be as stated
herein. DS-89 (current edition) is available at the National Security Agency, Acquisition
Logistics and Deployment Review, 9800 Savage Rd, Suite 6129, Fort Meade, Md.
20755-6129, Attn: DA023
2. Technical content and format. The Job Manual shall be in accordance with the
technical content and format requirements of paragraph 3.5 of DS-89.
3. Illustration content. Illustrations shall be in accordance with the technical content for
format requirements of paragraph 3.6 of DS-89 Illustrations and engineering drawings
shall be in accordance with DI-DRPR-81678, Engineering Documentation Product
Drawings, Sanitized, or DI-DRPR-81679, Engineering Documentation Product
Drawings, Modified and Sanitized, as stated in the contract.
4. General format. The Job Manual shall be in accordance with the format requirements
of paragraph 3.7 of DS-89.
5. All references to GFE (Government Furnished Equipment) shall be identified as CFE
(Customer Furnished Equipment).
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