Title: Technical Manual Cost Report
Number: DI-TMSS-81811 Approval Date: 20100525
AMSC Number: N9134 Limitation: N/A
DTIC Applicable: N/A GIDEP Applicable: N/A
Office of Primary Responsibility: SH/SEA 04L2
Applicable Forms: N/A
Use/relationship: The Technical Manual (TM) Cost Report provides the Government with the
necessary budget information that program managers can use for planning, evaluation, and future
TM development cost estimating.
This Data Item Description (DID) contains the format and content preparation instruction for the
data product generated by the specific and discrete task requirement as delineated in the contract.
This data item shall not be procured when this information is provided by any other report
supplied by the same contractor.
1. Format. The TM Cost Report shall be presented in the contractor’s format.
2. Content. The TM Cost Report shall contain the charges for each new TM or revision, as
applicable. The cost information for TMs shall be limited to the effort and material needed to
produce the manual from source data. The report shall also include the following:
a. Submittal date for the report.
b. Name and address of contractor and contract number.
c. Applicable Technical Manual Contract Requirement (TMCR) number(s), TM
identification number(s), and title(s) of the TM(s) covered within the report.
d. Document Type Definition (DTD) Public Identifier(s) used to develop the TM(s) covered
by the report.
e. Total number of pages or screens of text in the TM(s).
f. Total number of illustrations (including multiple sheets) in the TM(s).
g. Total number of direct man-hours expended for each labor category.
h. Listing of labor categories used and the associated labor rates.
i. Listing and cost of non-labor expenditures.
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