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NPD 8710.3B
POLICY Effective Date:
January 27, 2003
DIRECTIVE Expiration Date:
January 27, 2013
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Responsible Office: Q / Office of Safety and Mission Assurance
Subject: NASA Policy for Limiting Orbital Debris Generation
(Revalidated 4/28/04)
It is NASA policy to limit the generation of orbital debris (OD),
consistent with mission requirements and cost effectiveness (Requirement 6025).
To accomplish this policy, NASA will --
a. Conduct formal OD assessments in accordance with NSS 1740.14,
Guidelines and Assessment Procedures for Limiting Orbital Debris, on each
space program/project to determine its potential to generate OD during
nominal operations (Requirement 6001).
b. Design for safe disposal of spacecraft and launch vehicles at end of
mission in accordance with NSS 1740.14, Guidelines and Assessment
Procedures for Limiting Orbital Debris, and JSC-27862, Postmission
Disposal of Upper Stages (Requirement 6026).
c. Provide timely notification to, and coordination with, other
appropriate government entities concerning the proposed reentry of NASA
spacecraft or their rocket bodies from Earth orbit (Requirement 6027).
d. Promote the adoption of international policies, standards, and
practices to minimize OD and its associated risks, and the exchange of
information on OD research, modeling, and mitigation techniques in the
international community (Requirement 6028).
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