Fed. Std. No.59
JULY 16s 1$54
(DDKM481, lame
in EUect)
Authority .—This #tundard is wined pursuant b the Fs&ral Property and Ad-
ministration Service Act of 1949, au amended, and * application to the pur-
chwe of wrnmoditie8
referred to herein ti rnandatury on all Federal agenof”cw.
S1. Purpose and scope. — This standard
covering bed sheets establishes two classes
and six sizes of sheets and adopts them as
standard for use of all Federal agencies to
achieve the highest practical degree of
Application. — Purchases from com-
mercial sources under Federal Specification
DDD-S-281, of the issue in effect on date of
invitation for bids, shall be limited to items
which have characteristics conforming to
the standard items sp~ified herein. Exist-
ing Government stocks of items with other
characteristics shall continue to be utilized
until exhausted.
Standard characteristics and item
.—The sheets described by the
following Federal Standard Stock Catalog
item numbers shaIl conform to the following
FSSC 27-S-70454.6 ounces
74 by 66 count, class
inches by 72 inches (torn).
FSSC 27-S-705M.2 ounces
yard, 68 by 60 count, class
inches by 90 inches (tom).
FSSC 27-S-70604.6 ounces
yard, 74 x 66 count, class
inches by 99 inches (torn).
per square
1; size, 45
per square
2; Oize, 54
per square
1; size, 54
FSSC 27+708U.6 ounces per square
yard, 74 by 66 count, class 1; size, 63
inches by 99 inches (torn).
FSSC 27-S-7090-4.6 ounces per square
yard, 74 by 66 count, class 1; size, 63
inches by 106 inches (torn).
FSSC 27-S-7110-4.6 ounces per square
yard, 74 by 66 count, class 1; size, 72
inches by 106 inches (torn).
Changes. —
When a Federal agency
considers that a Federal Standard does not
provide for its essential needs, written
quest for adding to or otherwise changing
the standard, 8upported by adequati jutiM-
cation, shall be sent t.a the Administration.
This justification shall explain wherein the
standard does not provide for essential
needs. The request shall be sent in duplicate
to the General Senices Administration,
Federal Supply Service, Standards Division,
Washington 25, D. C. The Administration
will determine the appropriate action to be
taken and will notify the agency.
S5. Conflict with referenced Bpecifica-
tions.-Where the requirements specified
this standard conflict with any requiremen~
in a referenced specification, the
ments of the standard shall apply.
of conflict between the standard
and the
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