USAF Medical Standards Directory, approved by AF SG3C on 13 May 2020 Page 1
This document reflects the current medical standards for retention, flying classes, and special operational duty for
the USAF. These are the standards referenced in AFI 48-123 and are reviewed annually (at a minimum) through
the Medical Standards Working Group. The Chief of Physical Standards Development at the Air Force Medical
Readiness Agency is the MAJCOM/SGP point of contact for any updates. If a service member does not meet
applicable medical standards, refer to AFI 48-123 for AF required actions.
To refer to a medical standard use “MSD, DATE OF MSD, SECTION LINE”. For example, when referencing
Celiac Disease in a Narrative Summary, use “MSD, 13 May 2020, I51”.
When a line is deleted in the MSD, it will remain in the MSD with a line through it annotating that the standard no
longer exists for 1 year. After 1 year, the line will be removed. Removed items will be kept on document on the
KX for the field to view for historical perspective, but the standard will no longer apply.
For the purpose of Aeromedical Waiver submissions, if there is an applicable chapter in the Aeromedical Waiver
Guide (AMWG)
then a “See AMWG” link may be in the comments section. Always check the appropriate Waiver
Guide before submitting a waiver package as it is a guide for how to apply current Aeromedical Standards and
prepare Aeromedical Waivers. If you have any additional questions, contact your MAJCOM/SGP Office.
Changes that were in the May 2020 MSD are highlighted in yellow. A35 – controlled medications; C8 –
Intraocular Pressure; C33 – Keratorefractive surgery; E2 – and E3 – Larynx; G26 – Pulmonary Embolus; H48 –
Deep venous thrombosis; and H49 – Pulmonary Embolus; I10 – Peptic Ulcer; J9 – History of renal colic; J10 –