Director of Administration and Management
August 13, 2014
Incorporating Change 2, February 11, 2022
SUBJECT: DoD Concessions Committee
References: See Enclosure 1
1. PURPOSE. This administrative instruction (AI) reissues DoD Instruction (DoDI) 5120.18
(Reference (a)) as an AI in accordance with the authority in DoD Directive 5105.53, Deputy
Secretary of Defense Memorandum (Reference (b)), and the January 11, 2021 Deputy Secretary
of Defense Memorandum (Reference (c)) to establish a DoD Concessions Committee (DoDCC)
for the administration of services which, for the convenience of the U.S. Government, are
necessary and benefit the health, morale, and welfare of DoD workforce in the National Capital
Region (NCR).
a. Applies to OSD, the Military Departments, the Office of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
of Staff and the Joint Staff, the Combatant Commands, the Office of Inspector General of the
Department of Defense, the Defense Agencies, the DoD Field Activities, and all other
organizational entities within the DoD in the NCR that are serviced by the Washington
Headquarters Services (WHS) (referred to in this AI as the “WHS-serviced Components”).
b. Does not apply to activities on military installations, except as amended or modified at the
direction of the Director of Administration and Management (DA&M) in agreement with an
authority for the military installation.
3. POLICY. In accordance with the authority granted under DoDI 1015.15 (Reference (d)), it is
policy for the WHS-serviced Components that:
a. The DoDCC, a DoD-nonappropriated fund instrumentality (NAFI), provide quality food,
retail services, and other appropriate amenities at fair and competitive prices for WHS-serviced
Components. For the convenience of the U.S. Government, these products and services must be
necessary and benefit the health, morale, and welfare of the DoD workforce in the NCR,
including employees in the Pentagon and other buildings as directed by the DA&M.