22 February 2023
245 Davis Ave E, Ste 207
Barksdale AFB, LA 71110
SUBJECT: Air Force Global Strike Command Guidance Memorandum to Air Force Manual
(AFMAN) 10-207_AFGSCSUP, Command Posts
By Order of the Commander, Air Force Global Strike Command (AFGSC), this
Guidance Memorandum immediately implements changes to AFMAN10-207_AFGSCSUP,
Command Posts. Compliance with this memorandum is mandatory. To the extent its directions are
inconsistent with other AFGSC publications, the information herein prevails, in accordance with
(IAW) Department of the Air Force Manual (DAFMAN) 90-161 Publishing Processes and
This guidance applies to AFGSC individuals at all levels, including Air Force Reserve
and Air National Guard (ANG) personnel when performing duties in an AFGSC Command Post
or the Global Strike Operations Center (GSOC). It does not apply to United States Space Force.
Publications and forms are available on the e-Publishing web site at www.e-publishing.af.mil for
downloading or ordering. There are no releasability restrictions on this publication. Users of this
instruction must notify the Chief of Current Operations Division (HQ AFGSC/A3O) of conflicts
between this instruction and other directives, instructions, or technical orders. Refer recommended
changes and questions about this publication to the OPR of this publication using the DAF Form
847, Recommendation for Change of Publication; route DAF Forms 847 from the field through
the appropriate functional chain of command. This publication may not be supplemented or further
implemented/extended. Ensure that all records created as a result of processes prescribed in this
publication are maintained IAW AFI 33-322, Records Management and Information Governance
Program, and disposed of IAW the Air Force Records Disposition Schedule (RDS) in the Air
Force Records Information Management System (AFRIMS). The authorities to waive wing, and
unit level requirements in this publication are identified with a tier number (“T-0, T-2 or T-3”)
following the compliance statement. See DAFMAN 90-161 for a description of tiered waiver
authorities. Submit requests for waivers through the chain of command to the appropriate Tier
waiver approval authority, through the publication OPR. This instruction requires collecting,
maintaining, and providing information under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and
protection by the Privacy Act of 1974. The use of the name or mark of any specific manufacturer,
commercial product, commodity, or service in this publication does not imply endorsement by the
Air Force.