Aviation Medicine Program SOP
I. PURPOSE: This SOP summarizes and explains the unit commanders Aviation
Medicine program and delineates the responsibilities of personnel within the program.
II. APPLICABILITY: This SOP applies to all unit personnel on flight status, and those
who provide support to these personnel.
III. BACKGROUND: This SOP establishes the guidelines for the provision of
medical support, both clinical and non-clinical, to the aviation population to ensure
individual health, flying safety and successful mission completion.
IV. Command Factors
A. The aviation medicine clinic and the local MTF will provide support for all local
aviation medicine programs, including those units without medical assets.
1. Provide space and equipment needed for the performance of flight physicals and
aviation sick call.
2. Provide staffing to allow the flight surgeon to adequately perform his/her duties
B. Rated crewmembers will be administratively restricted from flight duties when their
flight physical (FDME) expires.
C. An FEB will be convened when an aviator’s FDME has expired and the aviator has
not been medically disqualified or recertified within 180 days expiration of the
D. All DAC pilots, contract pilots, civilian ATC personnel and Wage group 11 personnel
will maintain a valid US Army FDME.
E. All non-operational aviators on post will maintain a current FDME.
V. Flight Records
A. The flight Surgeon will have valid orders placing him/her on flight status. He/she will
meet minimum flight hour requirements.
B. DA Form 4186 will be properly filled out and placed in the flight records along with a
copy of all applicable medical waivers.
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