1. References:
a. AR 600-8-1, Army Casualty Operations / Assistance / Insurance
b. AR 638-2, Care and Disposition of Remains and Disposition of Personal Effects
c. AR 600-8-4, Line of Duty
d. AR 600-34, Fatal Accident
e. FM 1-0, Appendix E, Casualty Operations Management
f. USC Title 10 Section 1501-1512, Missing Personnel Act (Hostile)
g. USC Title 10 1481-1490
h. USC Title 37 Section 551-559, Missing Persons Act (Non hostile)
2. Battalion Level Casualty Operations Management
a. Receive casualty information from subordinate or attached unit (information may be received via
casualty reporting system, 1156s, radio, or by other available methods) by using battle roster number (do
not use names).
b. Verify casualty information (verified through Casualty Liaison Teams (CLT), mortuary affairs
collection points, straggler information, provost marshal channels, or individual personnel)
c. Submit initial casualty reports
d. Coordinate with Battalion aid station or medical company to monitor status of casualties
e. Provide supplemental casualty report information
f. Verify casualty information has been added to the automated casualty log (units using DCIPS-FWD
g. Process posthumous promotions, awards, US citizenship actions (if applicable)
h. Appoint Summary Court Martial Officer for Personal Effects
i. Coordinate with Battalion S4 for movement of Personnel
j. Coordinate for an investigating officer to conduct AR 15-6 collateral investigation (required for
accidental or operation non-hostile and hostile friendly fire incident)
k. Coordinate with Higher Safety Office for all friendly fire incidents
l. Appoint Line of Duty investigating officer for non-hostile injuries and deaths
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