U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
CERD-ZA Washington, D.C. 20314
No. 70-1-5 31 December 1989
Research and Development
1. Purpose
. This regulation prescribes USACE (U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers) policy and delegates the authority for managing and
executing the USACE Military, Civil Works and Mission Support
Research and Development (R&D) programs.
2. Applicability
. This regulation is applicable to all HQUSACE
elements, OCE, all USACE R&D Laboratories and all USACE field
operating activities (FOA).
3. Reference
a. OCE General Order 4, 30 January 1974, "Reorganization of CE
Research and Development Management."
b. AR 70-1
c. A4 70-9
d. AR 37-27
e. AR 70-57
f. ER 570-2-2
g. ER 1140-1-211
h. EP 70-1-3
4. Background
. The reference 3a General Order centralized
management of the Corps of Engineers R&D program in the Research
and Development Management Office (RDMO), OCE, effective 28
January 1974. This centralization included
the activities at all Corps Laboratories (excluding Division and
District Laboratories) carried out under all applicable
appropriations and mission support funds. The RDMO was
subsequently renamed the Directorate of Research and Development
(DRD) in 1981. This regulation describes the
policy and responsibilities for implementing this consolidation.
5. Definitions
. The term Laboratory within this regulation refers
to the Waterways Experiment Station, the Construction Engineering
Research Laboratory, the Cold Regions Research and Engineering
Laboratory, and the Engineer Topographic Laboratories. It also
includes the elements of the Insti-tute of Water Resources, the
Hydrologic Engineering Center, and the Toxic and Hazardous
Materials Agency which conduct R&D activities. It does not
This regulation supersedes ER 70-1-5, 20 September 1974; ER 70-1-7,
20 September 1974; ER 70-1-8, 16 May 1980; ER 70-1-10, 31 January
1984; and Appendix E, ER 70-1-11, 15 June 81; rescinds ER 70-1-6,
18 May 1981; and cancels Eng Form 4860-R, Nov 83.