U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
CECI-GAD Washington, D.C. 20314-1000
No. 25-1-112
15 June 2014
Corporate Information
1. Purpose. The Corps Enterprise Architecture (CeA) consists of strategic and foundational
documents, a common process, and products and services to support current and transitional
ways of doing business. These components are developed and used across multiple layers and
mission areas within the CeA. Each layer and mission area produces its own architecture
products, while reusing pertinent existing artifacts. All artifacts across the mission areas and
layers are federated and aligned to provide the aggregate the CeA that is also aligned to both
DoD and Federal architectures. The federation and alignment across the CeA is intended to
promote integration across architectures, collaboration throughout the USACE architecture
community by the Portfolio owners and reuse of existing architecture products. This in turn is
intended to continually improve effectiveness and efficiency of the CeA, to allow decision-
makers to:
a. Identify overlaps and gaps in capability, interoperability, standardization, duplication and
supportability of integrated IT systems.
b. Provide an analytical base for strategically coordinating and sequencing capital planning
and investment decisions.
c. Avoid costs associated with maintaining redundant capabilities and also greatly reduce
risks to timely and affordable achievement of strategic objectives, including net-centricity,
interoperability, and transition from current to future state.
d. Assist in managing USACE transformation and sequencing of the capabilities fielded in
support of the USACE processes.
e. Integrate an extensive knowledgebase, so that it is accessible to the right people, at the
right time, in the right way.
2. Applicability. This regulation applies to all Headquarters USACE activities, major
subordinate commands (MSC), districts, centers and field operating activities and their
functional areas of responsibility. Major users of this regulation are ACE-IT and IT system and
3. Distribution Statement. All USACE. Approved for public release, distribution is unlimited.