U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Washington, DC 20314-1000
ER 405-1-3
No. 405-1-3 30 September 2016
Real Estate
1. Purpose. This Engineer Regulation (ER) describes the requirements and policy for
developing and providing geospatial data and related materials for planning, acquisition,
management, disposal, and archiving of lands and interested in lands acquired by the U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers (USACE) for Department of Army, military and civil works projects.
2. Applicability. This ER applies to all USACE Commands having Real Estate responsibilities
for civil works, military, or environment restoration.
3. Distribution. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.
4. References.
a. EM 405-1-3, Geospatial Data and Mapping for Real Estate
b. ER 1110-1-8156, Policies, Guidance, and Requirements for Geospatial Engineering Data
and Systems
c. EM 1110-2-6056, Policies for Referencing Project Evaluation Grades to Nationwide
Vertical Datums
d. EM 1110-1-1003, NAVSTAR Global Position System Survey
e. EM 1110-1-1005, Control and Topographic Surveying
5. Scope.
a. This regulation deals with the development, maintenance, publication, and disposition of
Real Estate geospatial data and mapping. Real Estate geospatial data and mapping are required
to support the functions of land acquisition, management, and disposal carried out by the
Districts. The mapping functions may be performed at the Districts by cadastral subject matter
experts (SMEs), geospatial SMEs, or by contract.
b. The information within this regulation is general in nature. The references cited in
paragraph 4 provide detailed requirements and guidance with respect to general and real estate
specific geospatial data and mapping. Reference 4.a. in particular provides explicit direction
regarding Real Estate mapping and geospatial data development and maintenance.
This regulation rescinds Chapter 3 of ER 405-1-12, dated 20 November 1985.