ER 415-345-13
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Washington, D. C. 20314-1000
No. 415-345-13
15 August 1989
1. Purpose
. This regulation establishes policy for financial
closeout of projects after acceptance of military construction
2. Applicability
. This regulation is applicable to all HQUSACE
elements and field operating activities (FOA).
3. References
a. FAR 4.804
b. ER 37-345-10
c. ER 415-35-1
d. ER 415-345-2
4. Policy
a. It is USACE policy to financially closeout projects as
expeditiously as possible after acceptance of construction.
Unobligated funds which are in excess of funds necessary to
liquidate current or anticipated obligations shall be returned by
a revoking directive as soon as surplus funds are identified.
Data entered into the Automated Management and Progress Reporting
System (AMPRS) will be used to evaluate the effectiveness of FOA
financial closeout performance.
b. When more than one project provides funds for a
construction contract, financial closeout of the projects shall
be accomplished only after final payment has been made on the
c. When a project provides funds for more than one contract,
financial completion of the project shall be accomplished only
after final payment has been made on all contracts.
d. Projects with any of the following outstanding issues shall
not be financially closed until these issues are resolved:
This regulation supersedes ER 415-3-15, 31 January 1985.