This Regulation Supersedes ER 1110-1-8155, dated 10 October 2003
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
CECW-E Washington, DC 20314-1000
No. 1110-1-8155 30 October 2015
Engineering and Design
1. Purpose. This regulation prescribes specifications policy and requirements for both Civil
Works and Military Construction, incorporates Total Army Quality principles and the Project
Management Business Process, implements MIL-STD-3007, "Standard Practice for Unified
Facilities Criteria and Unified Facilities Guide Specifications," and enables Headquarters
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (HQUSACE) elements and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
(USACE) commands to produce quality project specifications.
2. Applicability. This regulation is applicable to all HQUSACE elements and USACE
commands having design or construction responsibilities.
3. Distribution. This regulation is approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.
4. References. Required and related publications are at Appendix A.
5. Definitions.
a. Design Agency. A HQUSACE element or USACE command having military and/or
civil works design responsibilities.
b. Specifier. A specifier may be a Technician, Architect or Engineer within a design
agency who is assigned the preparation of project specifications and coordination of the
specifications with the other construction documents. The Specifier works under the
direction of a Specifications Engineer or Designer.
c. Specifications Engineer. An Architect, Engineer or Technician within a design agency
who is assigned primary responsibility for overseeing the collective preparation of project
specifications/construction documents on an individual project and has the responsibility for
overall coordination of the final “ready to advertise” package for the individual project.
d. Designer. An Architect or Engineer within a design agency who has design
responsibility for certain features of a project involving one or more engineering
and design disciplines, e.g., architectural, structural, mechanical, electrical.
e. HQUSACE Specifications Proponent. The individual within HQUSACE designated to
address the needs and concerns of design agencies related to the preparation of quality guide
specifications and project specifications