U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
CECW-P Washington, D.C. 20314-1000
No. 1165-2-502 31 March 2014
Resources Policies and Authorities
1. Purpose. This regulation provides guidance on the delegated review and approval process
of Post-Authorization Decision Documents. A Post-Authorization Decision Document is a
report on a previously authorized project that would serve as the basis for construction
funding, or in the case of congressional adds, the report to support the Project Partnership
Agreement (PPA).
2. Applicability. This regulation applies to all HQUSACE elements, Major Subordinate
Commands (MSC) and district commands having Civil Works responsibility. It does not
apply to the Continuing Authorities Program, which has its delegation authority described
under separate regulation. This ER does not rescind existing delegations of specific projects
or programs previously provided by HQUSACE that allow district commanders to approve
certain Post-Authorization Decision Documents. Additionally, the guidance provided under
those existing delegations is not affected by this ER. Further, the delegation described in this
regulation is contingent upon MSC Commanders demonstrating that the MSC office has
adequate resources, qualified planning and engineering staffing, applicable written
procedures, and documented adherence to those procedures. This capability is subject to
periodic assessment as described herein, and the authority delegated to the MSC Commander
can be rescinded at any time at the discretion of the Director of Civil Works.
3. Background. This regulation reflects the Corps responsibility and accountability to
produce high quality products that adhere to Civil Works policy. Delegation of approval
authority requires the direct oversight of MSC Commanders to ensure resources are available
to provide an accountable process that will facilitate the Commander’s approval of actions
under this delegation. This guidance employs checklists (see ER 1105-2-100, Appendix H,
Exhibit H-2) which the PDT will use to ensure a process in policy and legal compliance. In
all cases, the checklists are designed to assure early vertical team coordination as issues arise.
The responsibilities of delegated approval authority require active participation by senior
MSC management to review what the MSC Commander is signing.
4. Distribution. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.
This regulation supersedes ER 1165-2-502, Resources Policies and Authorities Delegation of Review
and Approval Authority for Post-Authorization Decision Documents, dated 31 March 2007