Headquarters Air Force Life Cycle Management Center (AFMC) 29 MAY 2015
Engineering Directorate
Wright-Patterson AFB OH 45433-7101
Distribution Statement A – Approved for public release; distribution unlimited
USAF Center of Excellence for Airworthiness
New or Modified Stores on Mission Design Series (MDS)
(1) Glossary of References and Supporting Information
(2) Preliminary Stores Evaluation Letter Template
(3) Military Flight Release (MFR) Template
This advisory describes the upfront tools to enhance and expedite Delegated Technical Authority
(DTA) AW determinations and associated AW flight authorizations for testing and deploying
new or modified stores on a Mission Design Series (MDS). This advisory clarifies interaction
between Platform and Store Program Offices in order to harmonize processes for store-platform
AW coordination with existing AW processes used by platforms. AFLCMC OI 62-601, USAF
AW processes for Delegated Technical Authorities, is unaffected by this Advisory. Additionally,
non-AW flight authorizations may be required by the MDS Program Manager (PM)/Chief
Engineer (CE) (e.g. for configuration control); this Advisory does not affect the processes for
stakeholders to satisfy additional Operational Safety, Suitability, and Effectiveness (OSS&E)
requirements beyond AW to release an MDS for flight.
This advisory applies to all USAF air systems testing or deploying new or modified stores.
This section provides details on the tools/forms which will enhance the Director of Engineering
(DOE) and MDS Chief Engineer (CE) DTA’s ability to perform an AW determination on a new
or modified store for testing or operations; and clarify the initial deliverables that the MDS DTA
will obtain from the store program offices. Throughout the document DTA refers to the DOE and
MDS CE authorities for the aircraft.
For any new or modified store, the DTA is required to make an AW determination. However the
DTA determination can apply to a series of development/flight test activities as long as the DTA
is given that information upfront.