Number: DI-HFAC-81975 Approval Date: 20150218
AMSC Number: 9513 Limitation: N/A
DTIC Applicable: No GIDEP Applicable: No
Preparing Activity: AV/MI Project Number: HFAC-2015-003
Applicable Forms:
Use/relationship: The Noise Measurement Report (NMR) provides data from noise
measurements conducted on materiel to evaluate steady-state noise in personnel-occupied areas,
impulsive noise in personnel-occupied areas, and aural non-detectability.
a. This report will be used to obtain essential information from the evaluation results of noise
measurement levels. The data may support the conduct of a health hazard assessment.
b. This Data Item Description (DID) contains format, content, and intended use information for
the data delivered resulting from the work task(s) described in the contract Statement of
Work (SOW) and MIL-STD-1474.
1. Reference documents. The applicable issue of the documents cited herein, including their
approval dates and dates of any applicable amendments, notices, and revisions, shall be as
specified in the contract.
2. Format. The NMR shall be in contractor’s format. Unless effective presentation would be
degraded, the format used initially shall be used for subsequent submissions. Revisions shall be
indicated in a manner consistent with standard editorial practices.
3. Content. The NMR shall contain the information described in the following paragraphs.
3.1. General data. The following data, as applicable, shall be reported.
a. The sound pressure level limit (Limit A, Limit B, or Limit C) of the measured system,
equipment, or facility.
b. The method used to compute the effective noise reduction of personal protective equipment.
c. The measured modified rhyme test score for each channel or transmission path. The
predictor of speech intelligibility, if one is used.
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