Title: Welder Performance Qualification and Training Program
Number: DI-MISC-81940 Approval Date: 20130827
AMSC Number: N9425 Limitation: N/A
DTIC Applicable: N/A GIDEP Applicable: N/A
Office of Primary Responsibility: AS/AIR
Applicable Forms: N/A
Use/relationship: NAVSEA S9074-AQ-GIB-010 248 Section 5 establishes the criteria for
qualification and testing of welders and weld operators. Each Contractor, Sub-contractor, or
welding entity performing welding on items governed by this document shall establish that each
welder and welding operator to be employed for welding has been qualified by demonstrating
their ability to produce welds which meet the requirements of this section.
This DID contains the format, content, and intended use information for the data product
resulting from the work task described in the contract Statement of Work (SOW).
1. Reference Documents. NAVSEA S9074-AQ-GIB-010 248; NAVSEA T9074-AS-GIB-
2. Format. Contractor format.
3. Content.
3.1. Title Page, containing the following:
a. Title/identification of the system/component/program/project.
b. Title of CDRL and CDRL number
c. Contract number.
d. Preparing activity or contractor’s title.
e. Security classification, when required.
f. Distribution Statement.
3.2. Table of Contents
3.3. Content. The supplier shall have in place a compliant welder Performance Qualification and
Training program in accordance with NAVSEA S9074-AQ-GIB-010/248, Section 5.
Accordingly, specific objective evidence shall be provided to demonstrate compliance.
3.3.1. Personnel Qualifications: Welding personnel shall be qualified for each specific type of
weld in accordance with NAVSEA S9074-AQ-GIB-010/248, paragraph 5.2.3 and have
documentation to verify the qualification. The supplier shall provide evidence by way of copies
of personnel qualification records corresponding to each specific weld. For each welder, the
supplier shall also provide evidence of satisfactory training for workmanship and visual
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