Number: DI-PSSS-81970 Approved Date: 20140812
AMSC Number: F9490 Limitation: N/A
DTIC Applicable: N/A GIDEP Applicable: N/A
Office of Primary Responsibility: 11 (HQ AFMC/A4D)
Applicable Forms: N/A
Use/Relationship: For the purpose of this Data Item Description (DID) a CRI is a depot-level
reparable Line Replaceable Unit (LRU), Shop Replaceable Unit (SRU), or Software/Firmware
loaded in an LRU/SRU, and utilized on more than one platform, platform variants, or multiple
Services, which provides predominately the same functionality and capability to the user.
CRIs will have similar testing, repair procedures, and support equipment requirements; but
may vary by c
olor, form, fit, part number, National Stock Number, nuclear hardening
specifications, Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) certification requirements, etc., to meet
specific platform requirements.
a. This DID contains the format and content preparation instructions for the CRI Identification
Prime Vendors shall reflect a percentage of commonality using the above CRI
definition for those like End Items that they provide and other like End Items manufactured by
each Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM).
b. The identification of CRIs will be used by the Air Force for repair strategy planning and
analysis in support of Title 10 USC 2464, Core Logistics Capabilities.
(Copies of this document are available online at
1. Reference documents. None
2. Format. CRI Identification Listing shall be in contractor’s format, but shall include at a
minimum, a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) depicting the hierarchy from End Item
(system, sub-system, component, etc.) down to the SRU level. The WBS should include the
SRU. The
CRI Identification Listing for Software/Firmware loaded in an LRU/SRU shall
include a module comparison.
3. Content. Identify each LRU, SRU, or Software/Firmware CRI as it relates to like End
Items. The listing shall depict the degree of commona
lity using the above CRI definition,
excluding non-repairable piece parts, and depict a cumulative degree of commonality for the
overall End Item. The degree of commonality shall be expressed in a percentage format.
Supporting justification for percentages shall be documented.
4. End of DI-PSSS-81970.
DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.
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