Many years ago, as a cadet hoping someday to be an officer, I was
poring over "The principles of war" listed in the Old Field Service
Regulations, when he Sergeant Major came upon me. He
surveyed me with kindly amusement "Don't bother your head about
all these things my lad." He said, "There's only one principle of war
and that's this. Hit the other fellow as quick as you can and as hard
as you can, where it hurts him most, when he ain't looking."
- Field Marshal Sir William Slim
For centuries many military organizations have subscribed to the idea that there exists a set of
guiding principles or ideas that guide the conduct and study of war. These guiding principles
are known as Principles of War. There has never been universal agreement on one common
list of principles. Most nations have their own list of principles based on their military culture,
experience and heritage. Principles of War is a guide to actions concerning the application of
combat power, rather than an unquestioned truth with universal application to every single
Principles are not substitutes for professional understanding, experience and education. They
help provide a better understanding of warfare but these are guidelines only and not
prescription, formula, recipe or checklist for success as John Boyd once said , “If you drop
your checklist, your brain are below your feet.”