“A nation has security when it does not have to sacrifice its legitimate interests to avoid war
and is able to, if challenged, to maintain them by war”
Walter Lipman
Contention, conflict, hostility and wars have always been there because of
differences in ideologies, religious faiths and societal values or to acquire a greater share of
resources or prestige and power. Before the Peace of Westphalia (1648), wars were waged
by religious or social groups, clans and gangs. Thereafter, with the emergence of sovereign
nation states with authority to control their territories, the conflicts became increasingly
inter-state. In the last few decades, the enormous destructive power of strong conventional
and nuclear capabilities has resulted in weaker states and non-state groups shifting to sub-
conventional irregular means to achieve their political objectives. The nature of conflict has
thus been constantly evolving.
The changing nature of conflict has added new complexities and challenges.
Conventional conflict is increasingly intertwined with irregular forces using unconventional
means and tactics; while irregular forces are becoming increasingly lethal with access to
technology and equipment that previously only conventional state forces could afford.
The topic ‘Conventional Wars: Future Perspective’ is vast and all encompassing.
The talk seeks to find answers to a series of pertinent questions concerning strategic and
operational choices and dilemmas, with respect to structuring of forces.
How is the nature of conflict changing?
Several scholars have variously grouped eras of warfare into various generations.
Generation (Pre WW 1): Massed manpower with personal weapons;
initially spears or bows and arrows and later rifles and machine guns.
Generation (WW 1): Employment of firepower, especially indirect fire from
artillery and mortars. These wars were slow and resulted in heavy casualties
trying to breakthrough strong defensive lines.
Generation (WW 2): Employment of armour, heavy artillery, aircraft and
operational maneuver. This is what we understand today as conventional war,
waged by nation states with conventional forces.