How Innovative Is China in the
Robotics Industry?
China does not yet appear to be leading in robotic innovation, but its domestic production and
adoption are growing rapidly, and the Chinese government has prioritized the industry. It is likely
only a matter of time before Chinese robotics companies catch up to the leading edge.
Robotics is one of the most important advanced technology industries of our time and will
play an increasing role in the world economy.
China’s goals are to first become self-sufficient in robotics and to then lead the industry
China is already the largest industrial robot market in the world. It accounted for 52
percent of robot installations worldwide in 2022, giving Chinese robot producers a key
advantage in their home market.
Chinese robotic firms are also gaining global market share, but by and large they are “fast
followers,” competing principally on lower costs while still relying on more advanced
Western companies for key inputs.
The Chinese robotic innovation ecosystem is dynamic, and the Chinese government is
making massive investments to develop the industry domestically.
Given the recent development of other industries in China, it is likely that China will
become as innovative as foreign robotic producers in the midterm at the latest, while also
enjoying a significant cost advantage.
Absent coherent policy responses by Western nations, China’s share of robotics
production will likely rise significantly.